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Peggy Clarke (Peggy Amlung)
Thomas Amlicke
Beth Argenta


Graham Clarke, Peggy (Amlung) Clarke, and Erin Constabile

Before seeing this web site, I was convinced I wouldn't be going to the reunion, but these pictures are cracking me up and Erin Constabile is threatening violence, so we'll see. (I kinda just want to go to a bar the night before with a few of those people I used to love, but haven't seen in 20 years. Anyone game?)

Anyway, after high school I got a BA in both religious studies and peace studies and then went on to graduate school at Boston College for a masters in historical theology where I met my husband, Graham Clarke. After living in New England for a while, we came back to Westchester and I worked at Covenant House with homeless and runaway kids and then got hired as the Campus Minister at Iona College where I'm currently teaching courses in religious studies.

I've actually done some pretty interesting things. I picked tomatoes with migrant workers in Florida, taught conflict resolution in Northern Ireland, became a culture broker on a Lakotah Sioux reservation, worked with pregnant teens in the Appalachian mountains, and taught liberation theology to some pre-law students while living in a squatters village in Mexico.

My husband, after getting a degree in English and a few others in philosophy decided that music was really his passion and since we were unwilling to work doing things we didn't love, he became a professional musician. Turns out he's really good, which affords me the chance to do as much or as little as I want. Aside from teaching, I'm pursuing a certification in interior design (because it's fun) and I'm preparing for Unitarian ordination at Union Seminary at Columbia. We've moved to Northern Westchester so we can have the simplicity and privacy of country living without completely sacrificing the urban sophistication of NYC.